Sunday, August 2, 2009

Colombia has many new fruits that we have grown to love. At the top of the plate the yellow fruit is called Pitahaya. This fruit is really tasty. You cut it in half and use a spoon to eat it. Going to the left is the tomato de arbul (means a tree tomato). This is good but not our favorite. At the bottom the green fruit is a maracuya. It was tasty and good to eat with a spoon. On the right is a granadia. This is our favorite. We were first introduced to this fruit in Peru, by our son Jay. This was his discription. It looks like an orange, but has a hard shell like a hard boiled egg. You hit it on something and peel some of the shell away. In Jay's words, "the fruit looks like snot, and you just suck it out." If you want to be sophisicated, you would cut it in half and use a spoon to eat it.